Friday 1 February 2013

Evolution of superheroes:

  • Batman
  • Spiderman
  • Ironman 

marvel characters over time (batman, spider man, hulk, wonder woman) actors.

Superhero realism

Contemporary heroes:

  • Kick Ass
  • Heroes
  • Misfits
  • The Chronicle
  • Hancock


  • Batman the movie 1966
  • amazing spiderman 1977-79

”Now the stuff I grew up with… I adored the DC stuff growing up but really, how do you do a movie about Green Lantern? His power is that he manifests green plasma from his imagination and uses them as weapons against someone? Even that in itself if you just imagine then watching a fight scene with a guy who’s like a hundred feet away making plasma manifestations fight someone – it’s not exactly raucous, getting up close and personal. The Flash has door handles on the side of his mask and if he doesn’t wear that mask, I’ll be pissed off, you know what I mean? They’re in a weird, weird situation – if you’ve got a guy who moves at the speed of light up against the Weather Wizard and Captain Cold or whatever, then your movie’s over in two seconds. You can get away with stuff in comics that in live action’s just a bit sucky – the best one is definitely Aquaman. Aquaman can’t even talk under water. If you think about it in comics it’s fine, you just have a speech balloon, but how do you have Atlantis and people talking under water? Are they gonna talking telepathically? Is it going to be body forms?” Mark Miller.

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